The ultimate “Americanization” of Britain

In order to justify the catastrophic immigration into Britain of the last ten years, its promoters are now claiming that Britain “has always been a nation of immigrants.” Correcting this absurd slogan which the Blairites have imported from across the Atlantic, David Conway in The Telegraph presents the figures on Britain’s tiny immigration wavelets over the centuries and compares them to the flood that has been released by the Labor government’s ruinous open-border policy (or should we call it their open-Island policy?) since 1997.

Which leads to the question: given that the policy has been so ruinous, why has there been no real mainstream opposition to it? The answer you hear most often is repeated by one of the commenters to Conway’s article: “We have had this problem coming for years, but no one would say any thing in public as you were then accused of racism. And even now it is being softly mentioned.”

This is something I’ve never understood. Why is being called racist such a terrible, such a paralyzing thing? If your country is being permanently harmed, don’t you need to speak up about it? Isn’t there a normal instinct to speak up about it? Isn’t the instinct to defend your country and culture from destruction an order of magnitude stronger than whatever discomfort or even social ostracism may be caused by being called a racist?

For a person blandly to say, “Yes, my country was being destroyed, but I didn’t speak up about it because I would be called a racist,” is to admit to being the Boneless Wonder. Britain was never a country of immigrants. It has, however, become a country of Boneless Wonders.

* * *

However, as satisfying and as true as it is to say it, the analysis can’t stop at calling the British, as they are now, a nation of feckless wimps. There is something deeper at work here. It isn’t simply that British people are cowed by the racism charge even though they know it isn’t true. It is that they believe that the charge is true. They believe that to oppose an influx of immigrants—no matter how large it may be, such as the current unexpected invasion from Eastern Europe—is racist. They believe, further, that racism is the most morally wicked thing there is, worse than rape, worse than murder. And they have no arguments against these beliefs. Which indicates that the real problem is not that the British are moral cowards, who are afraid to defend their country. The real problem is that the British are liberals, who believe that it is immoral to defend their country if such defense involves any exclusion of or discrimination against any minority or foreign group. Modern liberalism, with its core imperative of non-discrimination, has been the death of Britain. As it will be the death of the entire West, unless the West stops being liberal.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 23, 2007 09:33 AM | Send

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