VT’s leftist English department

Could Cho Sueng-Hui have been taught to hate by Virginia Tech’s radical leftist English department where he was taking his major? That’s what James Lewis is suggesting:

Whatever he learned in his classes —- did it enable him to rage at his host country, to hate the students he envied so murderously? Was he subtly encouraged to aggrandize himself by destroying others? Was his pathology enabled by the PC university? Or to ask the question differently —- was Cho ever taught to respect others, to admire the good things about his host country, and to discipline himself to build a positive life?

Be sure to see Lewis’s quote of the English Department’s official response to the, uh, senseless tragedy. It equates his monstrously evil act with all the misfortunes in the world brought on by greed, capitalism, etc.

(Note: the above link, although correct, leads to a commercial site of mysterious nature; the same happens with links to Lewis’s article from other websites.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 23, 2007 12:05 AM | Send

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