Muhammad Atta II

Take a look at this photo of the killer. He’s been described, as such killers are always described, as having been quiet and normal in his demeanor prior to his crime. I don’t see it. I see a Korean Muhammad Atta, seething with determined hatred and thoughts of murder.

I haven’t been watching tv today, but I’m told that the usual suspects are all saying, “Nothing could have been done to stop this.” Amazing. In the previous entry I explained clearly what could have been done to stop it, but, though my suggestions consist of nothing but common sense, they are the kind of thing that liberal society is morally unwilling to do and morally incapable of doing.

The usual suspects are also calling for the outlawing of guns. Hmm. So according to liberals, it is not possible for society to restrain an obvious maniac and keep him from committing mass murder. It is not possible for a university to issue an announcement that an armed murderer is at large on the campus. But it is possible for society to prohibit law-abiding citizens from owning guns to protect themselves from murderers.

As always, liberalism is against the society, and for outsiders, misfits, and criminals.

- end of initial entry -

Jerry Bowyer at Tech Central Station has read a play written by Cho Sueng Hui which reveals his total hatred of America.

The next time an open-borders proponent tells you that immigrants “love America,” and that the immigrants are even better Americans than we are, ask him, did Cho Sueng Hui love America?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 17, 2007 07:49 PM | Send

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