The Postville moment

Have you heard about the chillingly named Muslim Accommodation Task Force? According to Katherine Kersten writing in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune,

The task force’s eventual objectives on American campuses include the following, according to the website [the link doesn’t work]: permanent Muslim prayer spaces, ritual washing facilities, separate food and housing for Muslim students, separate hours at athletic facilities for Muslim women, paid imams or religious counselors, and campus observance of Muslim holidays. The task force is already hailing “pioneering” successes.

When we consider the full panoply of sharia that the increasingly empowered Muslims will be demanding in Western countries, the total unacceptability of their presence among us will become more and more apparent to more and more people. What must eventually happen re Muslims is that America, and every Western country, have its “Postville” moment. This is a reference to the Iowa town (and the excellent book of the same name that was written about it) that welcomed a community of Hasidic Jews as workers in a local Jewish owned food plant, but found that the Hasids were shockingly unfriendly, not fitting in at all with the egalitarian accepting manners of an Iowa farm community. The situation ultimately got so bad that the town had to ask the Hasids to leave.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 17, 2007 01:40 AM | Send

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