The treasonous conduct of Gonzales and Bush

In an excellent column Deborah Saunders, whom I haven’t read in years, puts together a bill of particulars against Attorney General Gonzales and his boss, President Bush, showing why many Republicans would not be sad if Gonzales resigned. Sounders’s indictment covers the gamut from Gonzales-Bush’s disgraceful treatment of jailed Border agents Ramos and Compeon over their shooting of an illegal alien drug trafficker, to Bush-Conzales’ licensing of the robo-special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald, of which she writes:

Indeed, many GOP partisans believe that Gonzales should have urged President Bush to pardon Libby in 2006, as soon as it was learned that former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was the original leaker of Wilson’s identity. Fitzgerald, they mutter, should have closed up shop as soon as he started the investigation, because he knew Armitage was the original source. Instead, he went on a witch hunt for an act that apparently was not a crime, because Fitzgerald never charged Armitage.

Saunders quotes a conservative lawyer who says that all Gonzales does “is walk backward and apologize.” Of course the same is true of the president, the man who, as I have said many times, gives backrubs to his enemies and the enemies of America, even after they have stabbed him and America in the back. But what’s the surprise in any of this? Bush is a liberal. The conservative movement lost its soul by supporting him from 2000 to the present moment and will have great difficulty winning it back. If they now proceed to support Giuliani for president, they will never win it back.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 26, 2007 09:30 AM | Send

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