Fertility clinic uses wrong sperm, white couple ends up with non-white child

As Jim Kalb says, modern society is about the maximum and equal fulfilment of human desire via technology. But sometimes the technology—which, after all, is run by fallible humans—fouls up. Here is the truly nightmarish story of one such foulup, followed by a comment from the reader who sent it, who sees the sickly comic side of it as well. I can just see some liberal reading this story and smugly announcing that this couple deserved that such a thing should happen to them, to force them to transcend their racism. Let us remember that according to Dennis Prager, if a person prefers that his spouse and children be of the same race as himself, he is a racist.

By SAMUEL MAULL, Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK—A couple can proceed with a lawsuit against a fertility clinic they filed after the wife gave birth to a daughter whose skin they thought was too dark to be their child, a judge has ruled.

Thomas and Nancy Andrews, of Commack, N.Y., sued New York Medical Services for Reproductive Medicine, accusing the Manhattan clinic of medical malpractice and other offenses. They claim the Park Avenue clinic used another man’s sperm to inseminate Nancy Andrews’ eggs.

Three DNA tests—a home kit and two professional laboratory tests—confirmed that Thomas Andrews was not the baby’s biological father, state Supreme Court Judge Sheila Abdus-Salaam quoted the couple as saying.

The couple says that they have been forced to raise a child who is “not even the same race, nationality, color … as they are,” the judge said in the ruling.

The lawsuit, which seeks unspecified damages, came to light Wednesday after the judge issued a decision that allows them to proceed with parts of the lawsuit while dismissing other parts.

The judge quoted the couple as saying that after their daughter, Jessica, was born Oct. 19, 2004, they knew something was wrong because of her physical appearance.

They say that “while we love Baby Jessica as our own, we are reminded of this terrible mistake each and every time we look at her; it is simply impossible to ignore,” the judge’s decision said.

The judge, in her ruling made public Wednesday, dismissed the claims against Dr. Martin Keltz, who had advised the procedure and had performed the embryo implantation.

She allowed the case to proceed against Dr. Reginald Puckett as owner of the clinic but threw out the case against him as an individual.

In trying to have the lawsuit against Puckett dismissed, his lawyer, Martin B. Adams, told the court that Puckett “did not examine, communicate with, care for or treat plaintiffs.”

The judge found Carlo Acosta, the non-physician embryologist who processed the egg and sperm for creation of an embryo, also could be held liable.

The couple’s lawyer, Howard J. Stern, did not immediately return a telephone call for comment.

Geoffrey in Connecticut who sent me the article writes:

So, an Anglo couple has a half-other baby because an Hispanic man messed up. The case goes before a Muslim Pakistani (or married to a Pakistani) judge—who is of course horrified. And do they really have Anna Nicole Smith’s lover/attorney as their legal representative?

I thought that since all races are the same then an Anglo couple should be delighted to have a foreign baby; heck, white movie stars have to go all the way to Africa to get one. And how is it possible to have a legal action based on a difference in race? I thought that all races were equal. Perhaps if it was a couple “of color” with (Heaven forbid!) a white baby there could be some kind of legal action, but surely white people can have no complaint about racial differences. And if it was not an Other judge would it have gone the same way? Would a white liberal judge have seen it the same way?

LA to Geoffrey in CT:
I’ve posted this. Thanks much. What a nightmare for these people. It’s their child, and they love her, but, as they said, each moment they look at her, they’re reminded of this terrible mistake that was made, plus the whole racial thing they have to deal with which they were not planning to deal with.

Geoffrey replies:

It IS ghastly, and in the back of my mind I just know they are liberals! The pain must be even more excruciating as they come to terms with their racism. Talk about your Unprincipled Exception!

Mike B. writes:

It gets more complicated. Bill O’Reilly just reported during the introduction to his show that the father is white, the mother is Hispanic and the baby is half black.

He displayed photos of the parents. Stay tuned.

Mike B. writes:

New York Post story with photos.

Story revealing mother’s Hispanic background.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 22, 2007 06:06 PM | Send

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