The Giuliani bubble bursts

Concerning the idea promoted by Giuliani supporters that conservatives are for him and that there’s no evidence they will desert him as a result of his liberal stand on social issues, Richard Lowry at the Corner says:

Well, there’s some evidence out there, including this from the Wall Street Journal poll today: “Fully three of four Republicans—including a majority of those backing the former New York City mayor—say they would have reservations if they learned Mr. Giuliani supports abortion rights and supports civil unions for gay and lesbians couples.”

Wow. All along, Giuliani critics like me have been saying that the conservatives around the country who support him do so simply because they do not know anything about him other than that he was an effective mayor. That view has now been confirmed by the WSJ poll. When Giuliani’s conservatives supporters find out how liberal he is on social issues and how disgusting he has been in his “private” life, his support will evaporate. I’m not gloating over this. Giuliani is a talented and forceful figure. But he’s wildly unsuited to be president of the U.S.

A reader asked me a few days ago to explain further why Giuliani’s “personal” background, particularly his divorces (actually his annulment and his divorce) should disqualify him for the presidency. I will try to get to that soon.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 09, 2007 01:43 AM | Send

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