A stunning blow to liberty and civilization

In a shocking step, the French Senate has voted to ban virtually all home schooling in France. It has done so in the name of “protection of children.” What it really means, of course, is that it has done so in the name of forcing all children into the same pro-EU, pro-Eurabian, anti-Christian, anti-white straightjacket. Perhaps the enemy was once subtle, but not any more, because his agenda and power have now advanced so far that he no longer needs to conceal his intentions. In Britain, where all knees must now bend to the Sexual Orientation Regulations, and now in France, the enemy has bared his teeth, announcing in menacing tones that he intends the complete extinguishing of genuine freedom under the all-encompassing egalitarian state.

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Tiberge, who covered this story at Galliawatch, writes:

I was surprised the National Assembly went that far, though I shouldn’t be. I hear that in Germany there has been no home-schooling since since Adolph Hitler banned it. I can’t think of anything more frightening than not being allowed to educate your children as you see fit. Soon they will force us to take medicine we don’t want to take, or force us to eat what we don’t want, or listen to music we don’t want, or even force us to open the doors of our homes to the “underprivileged.” As long as there is a shred of liberty or autonomous thinking they will be there to destroy it. I really sometimes can’t believe this is all happening.

Laura W. writes:

While grossly overstepping its bounds, the French government has not banned homeschooling. It has restricted groups of homeschooling families from conducting classes together on the grounds that they are running de facto schools. Individual families, judging from the report on Galliawatch, can still educate their children at home. This probably won’t discourage the committed. The Internet offers many ways of holding virtual classes and the government can’t ban mere socializing.

Families are so small and religion so fragile in Europe that the homeschooling lobby is weak. But, that could change very quickly if parents wake from their slumber.

LA replies:

Well, how many families are in a position to do all the homeschooling themselves, without the pooled resources of other families? That’s why I characterized this as “virtually” banning home schooling.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 05, 2007 12:24 AM | Send

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