
Following the increasingly vulgar and out-of-control Ann Coulter (who went so low as to call John Edwards a “faggot”), the next speaker at the CPAC conference was the hero of 2006, the man who Stood Like a Stone Wall against—and stopped—the worst bill in American history, the Senate Comprehensive Immigration bill, Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin. Sensenbrenner is the real thing. Spikey, stubborn, not much charm, not handsome, but someone you can count on. Sensenbrenner is a man who refuses to go along with nonsense. He is absolutely unyielding on the necessity of effectively enforcing the immigration laws before any kind of guest worker program is considered, and that guests must be just that, guests. He talked about how he had been targeted by liberal hate campaigns over his immigration stand. He talked about voting with only a handful of other congressmen against Katrina aid, against the Bridge to Nowhere, and other outrageous spending bills. He clearly has been in the minority in opposing the leftward shift of the congressional Republicans during the Bush years.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 02, 2007 04:49 PM | Send

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