Pakistani-British man kills family, self

Howard Sutherland writes:

This is a horrifying story about a Moslem from Pakistan’s NW Frontier who came to England after marrying an “Anglo”-Pakistani girl whose father had sent her from England to the home country for an arranged marriage. Displeased that his wife and three daughters were “adopting a more westernised lifestyle,” Mohammed Riaz set fire to the family house with the four of them in it. All died. Mohammed then set fire to himself, but lingered for two days before departing for Gehenna. Oddly enough for one so serious about keeping faith with the Religion Of Peace, Mohammed is reported to have “spent the evening drinking” before indulging in these acts of ritual purification.

The saddest thing about this is that none of these Pakistanis would have died if they had just stayed in Pakistan, where the cultural confusions that sent Mohammed around the bend would have been less acute.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 21, 2007 11:43 AM | Send

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