Real progress

Writing at TownHall, Frank Pastore abandons his earlier position that Islam is not the enemy and pretty much says that it is. At least he’s leaning very strongly in that direction. His main point is that while we believe in tolerance for people of different religions, Muslims don’t, and therefore they are incompatible with our political system and our way of life.

This represents a real advance in understanding. This is not the usual thing we see endlessly pouring from mainstream “conservatives”—bellicose emotional venting about those awful awful awful Muslims, but no clear conceptual grasp of what Islam is and what our stand toward it ought to be. Though Pastore puts his statements in a slightly tentative form, his meaning is unambiguous—Islam is our enemy, a danger to us and our civilization.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 28, 2007 04:48 PM | Send

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