We’re not a country, we’re an alleyway

Paul K. writes:

I suspect that Sulejmen Talovic, the Bosnian refugee who killed nine people at a Salt Lake City Mall yesterday, may have been another Muslim experiencing “sudden jihad syndrome.” I base my suspicion on his name, nation of origin, and the fact that the FBI has already declared that this is “just an isolated incident.” We’ll see if the Bureau is running true to form.

Paul K. follows up:

According to this article my suspicion was correct:

“Bosnian Muslim goes on a killing spree in US mall”

Also, an odd comment from Ogden Police Chief Jon Greiner, the boss of Ken Hammond, the off-duty policeman who killed Talovic: “Thank goodness he was there. You don’t want to ever say it’s good we were there and killed somebody, but it’s probably good someone was there.”

Why don’t we ever want to say that it was good that someone was there who killed him?

Here’s another article on this murder spree.

Paul K. continues:

I was in error when I said he killed nine people—he shot nine, of whom five have died.

An interesting detail: Marie Smith, 23, a Bath & Body Works manager who witnessed Talovic’s jihad, said, “His expression stayed totally calm. He didn’t seem upset, or like he was on a rampage.”

The serenity of a faithful servant doing the will of Allah.

Daniel H. writes:

It may be a case of just another deranged youth, or could there be a religious/political aspect to it? Whatever the case may be, lets watch the MSM bury the essential facts.

Van Wijk writes:

Notice that it was an off-duty cop who did the killing, and he’s a hero for it.

If it had been a private citizen with a concealed-carry permit, the same cops would be bringing him up on charges right now.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 13, 2007 11:48 PM | Send

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