Peters on Islamic Turkey

Howard Sutherland writes:

Ralph Peters laments what is happening in Turkey, but refuses really to say why it is happening, showing he either still doesn’t get it or is so pro-Islam and/or anti-Europe that he is dissembling. Instead of admitting that Turkey is, alas, a Moslem country these days and that Islamisation is not an unusual phenomenon in Moslem countries, he acts surprised that Saudi-style Islamists (somehow distinct from ordinary Moslems) are getting the upper hand.

Any doubt that Peters is uninterested in preserving the West disappears when we realize that he is most dismayed that the Turks’ Islamising will make it harder to slip Turkey into the EU. That an Asiatic, Moslem country has no business being in Europe in the first place, and could only serve as a Trojan Horse for population replacement, does not trouble him in the slightest.

Is it a combination of Islam-befuddlement and Peters’s “brain on Dubya” that leads to this willful incomprehension? Back in the good old days of the Cold War, Peters understood the Soviet threat well, even if he was prone to exaggerate it somewhat. Now he looks forward to the submersion of Europe (which he defended against the Soviets as a U.S. Army officer) in an expanded Dar al-Islam, while presuming, Steyn-style, that America will somehow remain immune.

LA replies:

It would certainly be interesting to talk one on one with Peters and figure out where he’s coming from. He is bent. But clearly his dominating passion is his hatred of Europe. Perhaps that’s enough to explain the rest?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 05, 2007 06:06 PM | Send

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