A frivolous candidate for a frivolous country

French Socialist presidential candidate Ségolène Royal is running into rough weather, brought on by her manifest lack of seriousness and preparedness for high office, e.g., her total ignorance of the French armed forces, as well as by her inane leftism, e.g., her desire to turn France into a “mixed-blood” nation. When even the comically narcissistic Bernard-Henri Lévy, the socialist philosopher with the perpetually open shirt with chest hair showing, thinks you’re a light-weight, you’re in trouble. Tiberge at Galliawatch keeps us up to date on Ségolène.

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Tiberge replies:

Thank you for the link. You might be amused to learn that in France BHL is referred to as “Bazar de l’Hôtel de Ville”—the big market place at City Hall where you can buy anything and everything. Obviously they recognize his frivolity.

On another note, I was sorry to hear that Alain Finkielkraut is a Sarkozy supporter. Sarko will be a disaster for France—more so than Ségolène, because (as with Bush) people are deluding themselves into thinking he’s a conservative. In truth his actions are in compliance with the dogmas set down by the Socialist Party. I was very much hoping that “Finky” would join Philippe de Villiers at least on principle. But Sarko has probably made him some promises…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 28, 2007 11:43 PM | Send

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