Verdict in Long Beach

In a story written with the exasperating vagueness and low IQ quality that one expects from the liberal media—and especially from the New York Times—when reporting on an incident involving black misbehavior, Lisa Muńoz of the Times tells of the guilty verdicts in a terrible assault case in Long Beach, California. Eight black teenage girls and one boy have been convicted of attacking three young white women last Holloween, causing one of them terrible facial injuries. The defendants’ families say that others did the attack, that their daughters are innocent. Surely the facts of the case, what happened to the victims, must be more clearly established than the Times’ presentation of them lets on. But liberals are evil liars, whose mission in life is to soften and cover up the truth of minority savagery so as eventually to bring us all under its sway. Their ideal is that the entire white race be reduced to the condition of the protaganists of J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace.

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David B. had sent the article to me, with the comment:

Care to guess what verdict the NY Times was hoping for, judging by the article?

David H. writes:

The vicious crimes against whites, deeply racial in character and not only ignored by liberals, but deliberately buried and/or distorted by them, have increased in number and barbarity even during the course of my own (relatively) short life. While liberals of all stripes demonize the white race, and white children are taught self-loathing and weakness, the Others continue playing by the rules of the jungle. In fact, I would argue that they are devolving further in face of liberal encouragement.

I also express my appreciation for your strong, and true words about the nature of liberals.

As for the case, notice they damaged her face. That is a vile attack on a young woman, one meant to disfigure her for life. It is not accidental.

David B. writes:

There was far more evidence against the defendants in the Long Beach attack than admitted in the NY Times article. The cell phone of one of the victims was in the car of one of the defendants. There was also blood from a victim on the pants of a defendant, but the judge didn’t allow it. You can search google or yahoo and find many hand-wringing media accounts.

A “diverse city” means a place were white people can’t venture out of guarded, gated communities. Yes, these kinds of attacks will increase in the coming years.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2007 12:18 AM | Send

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