The American right: Europe haters versus Israel haters

It was, I thought, by coincidence that I posted at the same time the below items on Mark Steyn and Jared Taylor, but Carl Jung would have called it synchronicity, as, I now realize, there is a significant connection between them. Taylor remained coldly silent when his own conference erupted in applause at a speaker’s prediction of the death of Israel. Steyn has made clear, over and over, his cold satisfaction at the thought of the Islamization and death of Europe. So we have the neoconservative, attended by his followers and fans, who despises Europe, and the white racialist, attended by his followers and fans, who despises Israel; such is the deadly moral polarization and confusion on the American right. The true moral and Western position is that we should pray for the spiritual renewal and cultural survival of European civilization against all the forces that are seeking and collaborating in its destruction, and that we should support our besieged fellow Western nation Israel against all the forces seeking and collaborating in its destruction.

- end of initial entry -

Dimitri writes:

I believe that the fight of Europe haters versus Israel haters is not as much about real Europe and real Israel, as it is about the role of Christianity and nationalism, of which Israel and Europe are symbols. Israel haters actually stand against the Christian character of our civilization, for national paganism. On the contrary, Europe-haters want to do away with national states and create one super-state or empire for all nations. Both types do not take in consideration that historically the West always was a compromise between those two extremes.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 19, 2007 05:06 PM | Send

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