Carter gets the kabosh

Except for the continuing support he can expect to get from his Mideast despot and terrorist pals and the anti-American Western leftists who gravitate to him like flies to manure, America’s Greatest Ex-President would appear to be finished. Melvin Konner, a physician and professor at Emory University and a long time associate and supporter of Carter and the Carter Center, has written a devastating letter to the Center’s director, John Hardman, explaining why he will have nothing more to do with Carter or the Center in the light of Carter’s recent book on Israel and his bizarre refusal to answer any critical questions about it, and other strange behavior. In this letter, Carter’s essential madness and egomania stand out as never before. It’s not often that one sees a piece of writing that definitively dispenses with a major public figure who richly deserves it. This is one of those times.

Carol Iannone posted the letter at Phi Beta Cons; it’s also linked and discussed at

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 11, 2007 01:26 AM | Send

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