The two enemies of the white race

Worth a re-read, from March 2006: Why the non-West and the West hate the West.

Jim B. writes:

You wrote in your “Why the non-West and the West hate the West” article: “we see that the nonwhite world hates the white world for its superiority, and seeks to bring it down, while the white world hates itself for being superior, and seeks to destroy itself

I have read many times before by you and others that “hate” for one’s own culture is the reason for what the left is doing to Western civilization and I disagree with it. I believe it is fear of the non-West, not hate for ourselves, that motivates the left.

The left is all about covertly manipulating the West to surrender its cultural and racial advantages to the non-West in the hopes of producing eternal world peace. How better to insure an end to war than by creating policies where we become them and they become us. Open borders, one world government and mass immigration: all hoped by the left to end the political, cultural and ethnic tension between us and them they so fear and want to alleviate. Their entire foreign and domestic policy is about surrendering. The left is interested in homeland security too, but their version consists of affirmative action, welfare, cultural relativism, diversity, mass immigration and no national language.

Like a frightened school boy giving up his lunch money to a low income bully and rationalizing why he not only wanted to do it, but that he should do it in order to lessen the economic tension created by his father’s economic success that was likely illegitimately gained; this is the modern day liberal.

LA replies:

My first thought is that I don’t understand how Jim B. can reject the idea of Western self-hatred when it’s all around us. My second thought is that there is a legitimate confusion created by the expression self-hatred, because the leftist elites obviously do not hate themselves; they adore themselves. It’s the West they hate. Yet obviously they are part of the West. So this is still Western self-hatred. Maybe with that clarification we’re on the same page.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 08, 2007 01:12 PM | Send

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