Powerline: Purpose of Iraq war was democratization

“The main purpose of the Iraq war was to begin bringing freedom and democracy to the Arab world.”—John, Powerline, December 23, 2006.

Since the pre-war debate revolved around the WMDs issue as the main reason for invading Iraq, I’m amazed that John Hinderaker would say the above. Is this what he thought and said at the time of the invasion? Or is it what he thought at the time of the invasion but did not reveal, and is now revealing for the first time? Or has the WMDs issue been so supplanted by the democracy issue since the invasion that it’s dropped down the memory hole? (See follow-up to this.)

Since the Powerline guys haven’t talked to me ever since I dissected Scott Johnson’s gushing article on the multicultural-style Hanukah celebration in the White House in December 2005 (here’s my entry, here’s a follow-up, and here’s Powerline’s request that I take them off their mailing list), maybe someone else could write to John Hinderaker at Powerline and ask him about this. Specifically, was he saying in 2002-2003 that the main reason to invade Iraq was not to find weapons of mass destruction but to begin bringing freedom and democracy to the Arab world?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 26, 2006 12:09 PM | Send

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