The lonely president

Scott at Powerline approvingly quotes Tony Blankley:
[R]arely has a president stood more alone at a moment of high crisis than does our president now as he makes his crucial policy decisions on the Iraq War….

That such transparent sophism from the leader of the American foreign policy establishment is dignified with the title of realism only further exemplifies the loneliness of the president in his quest for a workable solution to the current danger.

I wrote to Powerline, with a cc to Tony Blankley:

With all due respect, has it ever occurred to you that if the president had not spoken boilerplate nonsense disconnected from reality for the last three or four years, believable only to people who have attached themselves to him at the hip, he wouldn’t be so lonely?

Also, you might read this: Those lamenting failure of Bush policy should look in the mirror.

Lawrence Auster

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 14, 2006 12:36 PM | Send

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