The imams, what they did

Here are two detailed accounts, via Powerline, of the Flying Imams. Katherine Kersten in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune goes more into the specifics of the imams’ behavior. Debra Burlingame at Opinion Journal focuses more on justifying the reactions of the pilot in deciding to have the imams removed from the plane, and on the sheer hostility and outrageousness of their conduct.

By any reasonable standard, these men have no business being in the United States. They are aligned with militant Islam, and they behaved in a way calculated to invoke passengers’ fears of another 9/11. If the imams are resident aliens, their green cards should be revoked and they should be deported. If they are naturalized citizens, their citizenship should be revoked and they should be deported. That is what we would do with them, if we were a civilized country. But we are a liberal country, and so the imams and their lawyers are on the offensive with wild charges of anti-Muslim discrimination, and the airline is on the defensive, though holding its ground and fully backing the pilot and the passengers. But that these charges should even be made, and the mainstream media back them up, and the passengers have to explain themselves as though they had done something wrong, rather than the imams who engaged in deliberate provocations obviously designed to get them thrown off the plane, shows the advantage that the Muslims, with the help of our liberal institutions and beliefs, have already won over us.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 08, 2006 01:48 AM | Send

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