Liberalism, the destroyer of nations

A catastrophe is occurring in Britain. Far from learning from past mistakes and getting a grip on immigration, Britain has continued to receive a steady influx of Muslims and Africans, and now, in addition, it is also receiving hundreds of thousands of “unexpected” but fully predictable immigrants from Eastern Europe as a result of the expansion of the borderless EU. One of the results? As reported by the staid Times of London:

Immigration sparks white exodus from UK

The article is linked in the thread, “A lament for England.”

And even as Britain is allowing this massive alien invasion that is displacing its own people and changing London into an outpost of the Third World and Eastern Europe, it continues to promote and normalize the spiritual and societal suicide that is homosexuality. As I first said in the aftermath of the pathetic British response to the July 2005 London bombings, it is as though the British were crying to the world: “Put us out of existence, we want to go out of existence.”

Does this mean I am giving up hope for the English? No. But it does mean that suicidal liberalism has become so much a part of the nature of the English, that if they are ever to renounce it, they will only be able to do so when they see the liberalism literally destroying them.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 02, 2006 08:25 PM | Send

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