Another model Muslim revealed

Remember Muslim Miss England, who responded to the honor that had been given her by declaring that the “stereotyping” of British Muslims was driving them to become terrorists, an outcome she supported? Now Miss Brussels, the favored candidate for Miss Belgium, Halima Chehaïma, the 18-year-old daughter of a Belgian mother and a Moroccan father, has run into some difficulties of her own making. First she declared that Israel should be wiped off the map. Then it turned out that she is the girlfriend of two men, Bilal Ould Haj, a Moroccan-Belgian criminal convicted of armed robbery and of torturing an old woman, and an Albanian-Belgian criminal. The Moroccan-Belgian criminal escaped from prison last July and last week he got into a fight over Halima with the Albanian-Belgian criminal, who stabbed him in the neck and sent him to the hospital. A day in the life of the post-national, post-Christian, post-white world the West has created for itself.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 24, 2006 12:03 PM | Send

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