What does Le Pen stand for, again?

More evidence, not that more was needed, that Le Pen is at best a weak reed in the cause of defending European man. As reported at Galliawatch, a recent three-day convention of the National Front had as a special guest the comedian Dieudonné, a pro-minority activist. In general, collaboration with Muslims seems the order of the day in Le Pen land. Tiberge sums it up:

Philippe de Villiers … lashed out at the event, calling it a set-up and expressing his relief that he never united with Le Pen, as many thought he would.

… Assuming Le Pen becomes president, is he going to start deporting Algerians, blacks, Muslim fundamentalists who helped put him in power? I doubt it.

If he loses, he (or his daughter Marine) will continue to cultivate the complicity with Muslims and blacks …

Tiberge links her previous articles about Dieudonné at the end of the blog entry.

- end of initial entry -

Mark P. writes:

In a word, I think Le Pen stands for Anti-semitism. The existential fact remains that Le Pen’s political survival is possible only if he stands against Jews. If he were to take a purely anti-black, anti-Muslim stance, then not only would he have to contend with these groups, he would also have to contend with the army of Jewish leftists embedded in the judgeships, legal profession, and political organizations of France. No amount of mea culpas can help him dis-associate from his anti-semitic past. No amount of affirmation that Jews are a part of Western Civilization just as threatened by minority immigration as the rest of France will convince the “discrimination is indivisible” Jews. He would be fighting a losing battle on three fronts.

By siding with the Muslims and blacks, Le Pen reduces his front from 3 to 1. He reasons he could work with these two groups to destroy the “Jewish enabler” and, once their gone, then he can fight to get rid of these minorities. Even if he fails, he, at least, would’ve prevented the Jews from benefitting from the current immigration polcies.

Such is the madness of the modern world.

LA replies:

This is a disturbing analysis.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 16, 2006 01:58 AM | Send

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