Bring it on!

Tam Tancredo gave the bad news: he said the Democrats would quickly move to pass the Compehensive Open Borders Act early next year. Mark Krikorian gave the better news: he said that for political reasons the Democrats would refrain from the Full Monty, and just go for piecemeal measures.

VFR’s Indian reader living in the West has a surprising angle on this:

You should hope Tancredo is right. Why have this thing simmer and simmer for years on end never to become THE political issue in an election? For the Americans who want restrictions, this is the problem, is it not—the fact that it never becomes the important issue? And that is why the public can be distracted by all sorts of other issues—gay marriage, gays in the army, gays in the boy scouts.

No, you should hope Tancredo is right and they DO go for the jugular. That might be the one thing that would destroy them completely. Sort of like all those European wars Hitler won so easily which tempted him to invade Russia. Barely four years later, he had a revolver pointed at his temple as the Red Army closed in on Berlin.

Life’s full of surprises.

There is a lot to what the correspondent is saying. Look at how the open-borders fanaticism of Bush and many others over the past year (plus the spectacular lying and the contempt for ordinary Americans that accompanied the fanaticism) sparked a greater grassroots feeling against the open-borders policy than has ever been seen before. The same thing could happen now. If Congress moves toward anything like the Comprehensive Act, there will be a popular outcry that will stop the bill from being passed, or it will be passed, but its passage will awaken a true immigration restriction movement in this country for the first time. Yes, life is full of surprises.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2006 08:03 PM | Send

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