Frum told Republicans to campaign against Bush

I have asked for examples of conservatives and immigration reformers who had, like me, urged the House Republicans to campaign openly on their opposition to President Bush’s open borders bill. David Frum wrote a good article at NRO last May which concludes:

I don’t know whether any hope remains to save the House GOP. But if it does remain, then the best tactic for survival is for the House to go into outright opposition to the president and the Senate on immigration: drop the pretense of a compromise, frankly acknowledge that a philosophical difference exists, fight and defeat the president’s bill—and ask conservatives around the nation to rally to their local Republican candidate for Congress as the best way to send a message to an administration that on this issue has put itself on the wrong side of both its supporters and good judgment.

This is the message that would have saved the GOP, had they heeded it. But hardly anyone was putting it out. I wonder if Rep. Tancredo and his Immigration Control caucus were aware of this problem, and if they urged their fellow House Republicans to campaign on this basis.

The answer was right in their face, it could not have been more obvious, yet they didn’t see it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 09, 2006 11:47 AM | Send

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