Calling our leaders idiots is not nice, so instead …

While tearing his hair out on the subject of Condi and the rest of our stubbornly Islamo-ignorant national leadership, Hugh Fitzgerald at Jihad Watch has come up with a fine phrase:

… Rice, or Zekilow, or the others who have exhibited for decades a kind of genius in reverse by avoiding coming to grips with clear Islamic texts and doctrines …

Genius in reverse. That’s it. I wish I had come up with that myself. What a neat description of the extragavant—indeed, inspired—misapprehensions of the nature of Islam that are continually being evinced by American and Western elites in general and by the Bush administration in particular. And it somehow complements another phrase I use for Bush, the Mahdi from west Texas.

Knowing something about Islam, Fitzgerald continues,

means, above all, stopping the grotesque amount of attention given to ways to appease Muslims or to pretend that they can be appeased, and to focus instead outside the Middle East, and especially on present and growing threats to the West, through the instruments of Jihad known as Da’wa and demographic conquest. What will happen to the armories of the Western countries, what will happen to NATO, in thirty years, or twenty, or even ten, if Muslim populations, if adherents of Qur’an and Sunna, continue to grow, and grow more powerful and more demanding, and if Muslims are taken into the security services, and the military, and into the inner sanctums of political power? Anything? Nothing?

That’s it. To understand and head off the Islamic threat, we should not be focused on the Islamic world and how to pacify it and reform it and democratize it and spread our values into it. We should be focused on the West and on how Muslims are spreading their Islamic values into it and on how to stop them from doing so. We need, in other words, to reverse our orientation, and then, instead of being geniuses in reverse when it comes to Islam, we will be, at least, intelligent people.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 30, 2006 10:05 PM | Send

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