Europe’s Anticipatory Cultural Extinction Syndrome

From an article in the Brussels Journal, by Paul Belien:
The German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant (12 October) that young Europeans who love freedom, better emigrate. Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now. Whilst sitting on a terrace in Berlin, Broder pointed to the other customers and the passers-by and said melancholically: “We are watching the world of yesterday.”

Europe is turning Muslim. As Broder is sixty years old he is not going to emigrate himself. “I am too old,” he said. However, he urged young people to get out and “move to Australia or New Zealand. That is the only option they have if they want to avoid the plagues that will turn the old continent uninhabitable.”

Belien says most Europeans would rather submit to the Religion of Submission than fight for their survival, and the reason they hate Israel and America so much is that those countries (or at least a sizable number of the people in those countries) still want to fight.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 29, 2006 04:52 PM | Send

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