The Third-World country we treat as an equal partner

The Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America (here is a story on the original agreement last March) is based on the premise that Mexico is on the same economic level and has the same business, legal, and moral standards as the U.S. and Canada.

In reality Mexico is a country rife with barbaric lawlessness. In the state of Michoacan in central Mexico, drug criminals have beheaded 17 people and left the heads in public places in order to terrorize the citizenry, and it’s working. Newspapers have gone silent about the drug criminals, and many police officers have resigned their jobs in fear for their lives.

And this is the country that, according to the Security and Prosperity Partnership, is going to enact in concert with the U.S. and Canada common procedures for anti-terrorism, border security, and workplace and environtmental standards? It’s a deluded liberal fantasy, every bit as deluded as the Bush/neocon fantasy that, since all people are alike and all people are like us and all people want good things for their children, the tribal Muslim country of Iraq was ready for democracy.

And we look down on the people of the Middle Ages for their superstitions! My gosh, a medieval Catholic who prayed to his patron saint for good things in his life showed far more rationality than does your typical democracy-spouting neocon.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 23, 2006 01:25 AM | Send

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