Britain giving Muslims control over British schools

According to a story in the Daily Mail, “A hardline Muslim teacher who caused a furor by denouncing pupils for celebrating Christmas has been made a Government schools inspector.” Stories like this reinforce the sense that the British are too far gone to want to defend their society from a Muslim takeover, and that, if they do ever start to have such a desire again, it will only happen after such a takeover has occurred. As Melanie Phillips writes in Londonistan, the British establishment see their nation as a source of shame. That being the case, what event short of the destruction of the nation can exhaust or obstruct their desire to destroy it? Only the arising of a new British politics formed by people who love their nation and recognize that its destruction is indeed the central aim of the existing British politics.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 02, 2006 09:49 AM | Send

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