The Wall Street Journal continues its Soviet-like lies

James R. writes:

The WSJ ran a story today (“The Chosen People on the Sceptered Isle,” by Naomi Schaefer Riley) about the rising tide of anti-Semitism in England. It goes into a lot of history about how Jews came to England and how safe they have felt there. Apparently, they no longer feel safe. In this entire article, there is not a word about the burgeoning population of Muslims. Not a word. If I were an English gentile, I would be furious. This is like discussing the problem of AIDS in San Francisco and never even bringing up the subject of homosexuality. How did this story make it pass the editors?

LA replies:

Given that one of the Journal’s main columnists, James Taranto, completely approved of Ralph Peters’s unhinged attack on unnamed genocidal anti-Muslim bigots, whom Peters defined as anyone who believes that Islam itself is a problem, and now this article, it is evident that the Journal is set on avoiding printing anything that will put Muslims (and of course Muslim immigration) in a critical light. The farthest the Journal will go in criticizing Islam is this pathetic article by Reuel Mark Gerecht.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2006 09:10 AM | Send

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