A familar piece of Muslim propaganda exposed

In the “Mary” sura of the Koran, which concerns the birth of Jesus, it says (Dawood translation, starting at verse 19:88, which I’m writing from memory):
He who says, “The merciful Lord has begotten a son,” has preached a monstrous thing. The very heavens might crack, the earth be broken up, the mountains crumble to dust.

So, according to Islam, if you believe the central truth of the Gospels, that Jesus is the son of God, that is such a horrible violation of the true order of things that it will cause the destruction of the world. I suggest committing this passage to memory and reciting it whenever some Muslim apologist or Western ignoramus tells you that Islam honors Christ and Christianity.

Islam, like leftism, like evil itself, is built on a tissue of transparent lies. All that is required to discredit them is to speak the truth, loud and clear.

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Ben writes:

Hold on one second, I thought Islam and Christianity were the same religion. Your telling me they are not? George Bush has been saying Islam and Christianity worship the same God every since I can remember.

Bush said:

“I do say that freedom is the Almighty’s gift to every person. I also condition it by saying freedom is not America’s gift to the world,” Bush replied. “It’s much greater than that, of course. And I believe we worship the same god,”

So I think you must be mistaken. George Bush knows best. Trust him.

LA replies:

The sheer stupidity of Bush’s vulgarization and sentimentalization of “we hold these truths to be self-evident” makes me think how, before he became president, I thought he would be the least intellectually capable of any president. And also before he became president I noticed how he had so little to say that when he would find some slogan or sales pitch he was comfortable with and knew by heart (in the 2000 campaign it was his education scheme), he would glom onto it and repeat it endlessly. What happened after 9/11 was that this brainless man found a really big slogan and sales pitch, about how freedom is God’s gift to every person, and America is God’s messiah whose mission it is to deliver this gift to every person, and this slogan “works” for him, and so he just keeps repeating it over and over like the brainless automaton he is and we have to listen to this year after year after year…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 22, 2006 01:05 AM | Send

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