The essence of Bush America

Annie Jacobsen, author of Terror in the Skies, about the “dry runs” by would-be terrorist hijackers that have continued after 9/11, tells FrontPage magazine:

At the time of the flight I was on, there was an information circular directed at law enforcement in the aviation domain that went like this: Be on the lookout for a group of five or more Middle Eastern men who might try to build a bomb in an aircraft bathroom. And at the same time, there was a policy that went like this: if you have a group of Arab males, and you pull over more than two for secondary questioning, you can get a fine from the Department of Transportation for discrimination. How can those two policies exist at the same time? Of course they can’t. If we had qualified leaders, they would be addressing this conundrum and others, not avoiding them. Same with probes. How can we address threatening facts that we can’t even face?

This capsulizes Bush’s leadership: “We’re at war, one of the greatest wars in all history, and we will accept nothing less than complete victory . But if you try to stop our enemies from killing us, you’re a racist.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 23, 2006 12:09 AM | Send

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