Strange and alien over there is one thing; strange and alien here is something else

Tiberge at Galiawatch posts some photos of veiled Muslim women and comments:

These people would be so much more interesting if they were in their own lands and we were tourists taking in the strange sights and the exoticism of a culture completely different from our own. But to bring them into the West as wards of the State, so to speak, undermines our own identity as Western peoples, and makes them hideous in our eyes. And all the while we must cater to their needs, pander to their wishes, and censor from our thoughts any negative judgments.

Walls, fences, boundaries and borders all have a purpose: self-preservation, preservation of diverse cultures, containment of violence, and preservation of a certain natural order in which people can live in the comfort of a culture that congenial to their nature.

Tiburge writes further:

Regarding the photos of Muslims, at one time I would have found them strange or comical, nothing more. Now I find them almost terrifying.
Terrifying, because now this utterly alien thing is among us and gaining power.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 01, 2006 08:43 PM | Send

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