Iran: the choice

“Sometime between now and five-to-ten years from now we’re going to be forced to choose between preemptive war with Iran, and living in a post-proliferation world,” writes Stanley Kurtz. “War with Iran will probably mean casualties on American soil. Iran has likely placed terrorist agents in the United States, with instructions to retaliate against civilian targets in the event of war. We’ll also likely see attacks on Persian Gulf oil shipments, and therefore a huge spike in the price of gasoline, with major economic consequences.” If we don’t attack Iran, Kurtz continues, the resulting post-proliferation world will be one of fall-out shelters, constant nuclear drills, and a massive conventional military build-up. Thus the doves who want us to accept a nuclearized Iran are pushing a future in which dovism will be doomed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 28, 2006 11:40 AM | Send

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