What Muslims seek

An Indian living in the West tells me of a story he heard recently from a Muslim friend of his who is also from India. The friend’s father once worked in the Middle East and was having a conversation with a colleague who was about to become a father for the 10th time. The friend’s father (who has only two children) asked his colleague, “Why don’t you stop now? What is the point of having so many children?” His colleague replied, “As a Muslim it is my duty to multiply and outbreed the infidels. This is how Islam will conquer the Earth—through the battle of the womb.”

Meanwhile, David Frum describes many Muslims in the West as “terrorism’s enablers,” and he approvingly quotes William Shawcross:

In Europe the truth is so terrible that we are in denial. Perhaps it is understandable. We simply do not wish to face the fact that we really are threatened by a vast fifth column—that there are thousands of European-born people, in Britain, in France, in Holland, in Denmark, everywhere—who wish to destroy us.

No sign yet that Pope Norman Podhoretz has modified his view that Muslims in America are “rapidly assimilating.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 22, 2006 11:56 AM | Send

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