Eloi show Morlocks the stiff upper lip

The wimps across the Pond have finally reacted to something outrageous, namely the terrorist blackmail letter that was sent to Tony Blair by the entire organized Muslim community of Britain, saying that Britain must stop supporting Israel and get out of Iraq, or some unnamed parties would take to terrorism. But what does the reaction consist of?

“I think it is a dreadful misjudgment [italics added] if we [italics added] believe the foreign policy of this country should be shaped, in part or in whole, under the threat of terrorist activity,” John Reid, the Home Secretary, said.

A dreadful misjudgment—by us? The Muslims of Britain tell the government that certain of their co-religionists will commit mass murder if Britain doesn’t change its foreign policy to suit the Muslims’ wishes—and the problem is that the Muslim are expecting the government to adopt an improper understanding of foreign policy? To go back to the blackmail analogy I used earlier, it would be as if the candy store owner replied to the shake-down artist: “It is a dreadful misjudgment if we believe that the financial policy of this establishment should be shaped in part or in whole under the threat of murder.”

Actually, if it weren’t for that cowardly little “we,” the riposte might almost sound classically British—restrained and staunch at the same time. It might be an effective rejoinder—if one were dealing with traditional, relatively civilized, English crooks. But for dealing with Muslim jihadists it is pathetic.

Significantly, the former Tory party leader, überwimp Michael Howard, echoed the Labor Home Secretary almost exactly. “It is, I think, completely misconceived [italics added] to suggest that we should change our foreign policy because it might cause some people to take up arms against us,” Howard said. “That’s a form of blackmail and I think that letter was completely misconceived [italics added].”

Howard, like Reid, acts as if the terrorist blackmailers’ problem was their misconception of the way things ought to work, rather than the fact that they were committing terrorist blackmail. But he goes further. Even after Howard explicitly characterizes the letter as blackmail, he says that the problem with this blackmail is that it is misconceived, rather than that it is a hostile act that will not be tolerated in Britain, and that if the Muslims feel they have the right to use the fear of terrorism to force Britain to do their will, they are not welcome in this country and ought to think about moving elsewhere. That’s what he should have said.

Turning for a moment from the English Eloi to their Morlock predators, let us understand this: The fact that virtually every Muslim organization in Britain signed the letter demonstrates that the organized Muslim community as the organized Muslim community is willing to rationalize, ally itself with, and threaten the use of jihadist terror. Of course, these organizations and individuals don’t commit terror themselves, but they use the terrorism of their fellow Muslims to get what they want. Henceforth, if anyone starts bloviating about how “the great majority of Muslims don’t support extremism,” all we have to do point to this letter. It is definitive proof that the “respectable” Muslim population of Britain is in tacit or explicit league with jihadists.

As for the name-calling with this blog entry began, while I do not like to insult our British cousins, I will keep calling them names until they recover some self-respect and start defending their—and our—heritage.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 15, 2006 03:03 PM | Send

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