What’s Buchanan up to?

Patrick Buchanan has a book coming out on immigration that at least from a description of its contents looks very hard-hitting. The immediate response to this news is cognitive dissonance. Buchanan in recent years has become the blackest of appeasers. At the time of the cartoon jihad, for example, he attacked the European newspapers that had bravely stood up against Muslim intimidation. He said that instead of defying Muslims, we must “win their hearts and minds.” But if he wants to win Muslims’ hearts and minds, how can he take any forceful position against Muslim immigration and the Islamization of the West? Furthermore, having surrendered to Muslims,—because they are followers of a “great religion” that we must respect—how can he find it in himself to take a forceful position with regard to Hispanic immigrants, who are his fellow Catholics?

I have no idea what’s in the Buchanan book. But, based on his sickening drift in recent years, I will be very surprised if it takes a consistent stand in defense of the West and against the Third-World invasion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 08, 2006 12:29 AM | Send

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