Some jobs Sailer won’t do, some jobs he will

Concerning the murderous attack by a Muslim man on a Jewish center in Seattle, Steve Sailer wittily comments: “Anti-Semitic terrorism … another job Americans just won’t do!” Unfortunately, however, one job lots of Americans including Sailer are all too eager to do is to make vicious insinuations about Israel at the moment it’s being attacked by the enemies who seek to destroy it.

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I post the following not because it’s worth anything in itself but as a reminder, which is needed occasionally, about where a lot of people are really coming from. Lindsay W. writes:

Do you know about “karma”? What goes around, comes around.

The Jewish State was founded upon terrorism. It used terrorism to drive Great Britain out of Palestine and to drive out the indiginous inhabitants. As we speak, Israel put a plaque on the site of one of its most famous terrorist bombings the King George Hotel, then HQ of the British occupation forces. It was blown up by Jewish terrorists. Not only has it placed a plaque but also held celebratory meetings in remembrance.

I wish you read the Bible esp. Deuteronomy chapters 28 and following. There are the curses levelled against Israel for not obeying the Word of God. The curses call for persecution both day and night against the Hebrews. Scripture can not be broken.

The massive bombing of Lebanan is uncalled for. The attack upon civilian infrastructure is perfectly nihilistic.

If you found your state upon terrorism, expect terrorism to plague it——Don’t bring America and Christianity into it.

Fight it out amongst yourselfs, don’t drag us into it.

“Do unto others as you wish others do unto you”. The Jews used terrorism to create terrorism——expect terrorism to follow it forever!

LA replies:

What you really mean is that Israel, alone of all countries on earth, is cursed forever, doesn’t have the right to exist, and doesn’t have the right to defend itself from those seeking to destroy it.

In your Jew-hating fantasies, the karmic reason that the Hezbollah are firing on Israel is that it’s payback for the illegitimate founding of Israel—something that, as you put it, can never be fully paid back until Israel ceases to exist. In reality, the reason the Hezbollah are firing at Israel is that the Israelis withdrew from southern Lebanon six years ago and like deluded peaceniks allowed Hezbollah to turn southern Lebanon in a vast armed camp. As always, the Jew-haters (sounding like perfect victimological leftists) blame Israel’s troubles on Israel’s supposed oppressive acts, when in reality Israel’s troubles stem from its liberal softness.

I also can’t resist commenting on the way you issue the most damning judgment on Israel I’ve ever heard anyone make on a country (except for America-haters about America), and then you turn around and say that Israel’s affairs are none of your business, and you don’t want to be dragged into it! If Israel’s affairs are none of your business, why are you actively cursing Israel and saying it has no right to exist or to defend itself? Patrick Buchanan does this all the time.

By the way, does white America deserve to be dispossessed, because it displaced the Indians? Do the Germans deserve to be dehumanized, put in slave labor camps, and wiped out, because of what Nazi Germany did to the Jews? For that matter, does the human species deserve to be killed off, because our Cro-Magnon ancestors killed off the Neanderthals?

No. Only the Jewish state, uniquely among all human groups, is under your karmic curse for violence which was committed in its past (and which was, for the most part, a morally legitimate use of force, unlike monstrous crimes committed by many other nations which you ignore).

Also, on the matter of the plaque at the King David Hotel, this is a highly controversial action, condemned by many Israelis. See this column in the Israeli paper Ha’aretz. The writer, Tom Segev, makes clear—though he strongly disagrees—that the motive of the people who erected the plaque is to express the difference between the King David bombing, which they insist was preceded by multiple warnings to the British (which were tragically ignored), and Palestinian terrorism which aims at killing as many Jews as possible.

Yet the column, illustrating the Israeli national-suicide agenda of Ha’aretz, doesn’t stop at condemning the King David bombing; it morally equates Israel’s present self-defense measures in Lebanon, and, indeed, every self-defense measure throughout Israel’s history, with the King David bombing. The leftist Ha’aretz is thus coming from the same nihilistic place as the Jew-hater Lindsay W.: Israel has no right to defend itself; Israel has no right to exist; Israel by the very act of defending its existence is committing a terrorist act. The Jewish left and the anti-Jewish right equally hate Israel and seek its destruction; yet, the ultimate irony, the right-wing Jew haters are so blinded by their hatred that they think of Israel as an oppressor, rather than as the suicidal left-wing society it really is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 29, 2006 07:51 PM | Send

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