Griswold’s grisly triumph

Charlotte Allen writes in the Los Angeles Times, in a piece on the collapse of liberal Christianity:

… all the mainline churches and movements within churches that have blurred doctrine and softened moral precepts are demographically declining and, in the case of the Episcopal Church, disintegrating.

Allen’s phrase, that the Episcopal Church is “disintegrating,” suddenly makes me realize something. What I thought of saying, but didn’t say, to Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold when he gave a guest homily at my parish, St. Thomas Episcopal Church, on Christmas Eve 1998—“Since you don’t believe in Christianity, why don’t you get another job? Why must you destroy the Church from within?”—was prophetic. For that is exactly what Griswold did. He set out to destroy the Episcopal Church, and then he did it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 11, 2006 12:36 AM | Send

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