French more upset about losing World Cup than about losing their country

Anthony writes:

In reading this account of the gloomy post-World Cup mood in Paris, I was struck at how depressed and dysfunctional their society seems. The notion that a game could have more impact on the collective national psyche than even the awful reality that France is being actively Islamified, proves that they are in the gutter culturally. According to the report, French Moroccan and Algerians were running in the streets with their homelands flags celebrating the French defeat.

Howard Sutherland adds:

How French was the “French” team, anyway? It looked like the North and West Africa all-stars to me. I wanted Italy to win because it was a team of Italians. A “French” win would only have accustomed the French to multicult more.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 10, 2006 05:45 AM | Send

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