300 million now, 400 million in 35 years

It is reported matter-of-factly by USA Today that the U.S. population is going to reach 300 million this year, up from 200 million in the mid 1960s (when the 1965 Immigration Reform Act was passed), and that it will reach 400 million in the year 2041. Further, USA Today reports, completely matter-of-factly, that the main factor driving this monstrous growth is legal and illegal immigration.

These figures are roughly in line with demographer Leon Bouvier’s projections which I used in The Path to National Suicide in 1990. Using “low” and “high” assumptions of immigration and fertility, Bouvier’s lower projection was a U.S. population of 318 million by 2020 and 355 million by 2050. His higher projection was a U.S. population of 355 million by 2020, and 464 million by 2050. Thus the USA Today projection is about halfway between Bouvier’s low and high projection.

Reader J. asks: “Is it because the open borders lobby senses victory at hand, and that the trend is irreversible, that they now openly acknowledge the massive transformation of this country due to immigration?”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 08, 2006 10:50 AM | Send

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