Chavez on immigration in Commentary

Sam B. writes:

Click on the link to read this must-read article by Linda Chavez. [The article is in pdf format.] This is perhaps the most articulate, detailed argument on behalf of amnesty—the word is never mentioned—that’s been mounted, and therefore very dangerous. I read it in my latest subscription to the (hard copy) issue of Commentary magazine, to which I’ve subscribed for over half a century—the flagship of the neo-con movement.

Their position on “immigration” is pure “Bush-Wah,” dressed in the language of scholarship and statistics—of which Ms. Chavez is a virtuoso. If you recall, she was not confirmed some seasons ago when GWB proposed her to be Secretary of Labor. [LA notes: In fact, she was forced to withdraw from the nomination after it emerged that she had provided her own private sanctuary to an illegal alien in her home, a fact of which she had not informed her administration handlers; I think it was her dishonesty more than her help to an illegal alien that alienated the administration from her.]

I believe her ethnic roots have got in the way of the real reality. She simply has no idea of the nitty gritty reality of the mecardos on 6th and Alvarado, the flea-bitten shmatahs that are sold there, the closing of my local community emergency room. She’s been too busy “researching.” Read this tour-de-force. But is it an answer to Mr. Rector’s findings? I hardly think so.

LA writes:

I’ve been intending to read Chavez’s article for a couple of weeks, but have not been in a sufficiently masochistic mood to do so.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 03, 2006 08:24 AM | Send

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