How to solve America’s Mexican immigration problem

A letter to the editor in the June 19, 2006 National Review:

National Review frets in its The Week feature for May 22 that if the Republican party does not oppose Bush’s immigration policy, then he will “drag it to destruction.” Might I suggest an elegant solution for Republicans? Since Mexico’s president, Vicente Fox, does not want the illegal immigrants in question living in his country, and George W. Bush does want them in his, perhaps Congress could work out a temporary trade of presidents.

Great idea. If Fox were president of the U.S. and Bush the president of Mexico, Fox would be working day and night to encourage Meztizos to leave the U.S., and Bush would be working day and night to encourage those same Mestizos to enter Mexico.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2006 09:01 PM | Send

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