“Enforcement-only” bill reduces ability to deport illegals

Be sure to see Juan Mann’s article at vdare showing the hidden weakness of the House’s “enforcement-only” bill, H.R. 4437. The bill actually reduces the ability of the government to enforce immigration laws by restricting summary deportations of illegals to an area within 100 miles of the Mexico-U.S. border. Given the fact that Congress in 1996 authorized (but did not implement) summary deportations of illegals from anywhere in the U.S., H.R. 4437 would cut back existing statutory authority to remove illegals. Mann says the reason for limiting summary deportations to the border area is comprehensible in connection with the internationalist agenda to merge the U.S., Mexico, and Canada into a single unit behind a shared “security perimeter.” Once the borders between the respective members of this tri-national entity become meaningless, there will be no summary deportations of Mexicans, period.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 27, 2006 09:16 AM | Send

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