An illegal immigration opponent runs for the Senate

Jan Ting, son of Chinese immigrants, former Assistant Commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, and law professor at Temple University, is running for the U.S. Senate from Delaware on a strong anti-illegal immigration platform. He calls for securing the southern border with a physical barrier, enforcing existing immigration laws including employer sanctions, and not even discussing doing anything for the illegals who already until we get the border situation under control.

However, he is somewhat ambiguous on the latter point. His website says, “Jan is opposed to amnesty for illegal aliens.” But then it quotes him saying, “Putting the amnesty first, before border security and immigration law enforcement, as the Senate bill does, is a formula for failure, and a repetition of the mistaken amnesty of 1986.” That leaves open the possibility of amnesty some time in the future. Still, the impression you get from Ting’s website is of someone who has a principled opposition to illegal immigration and America’s laxity on that issue. Unlike the treasonous white Jews, treasonous white Catholics, and treasonous white Episcopalians in the U.S. Senate who voted in favor of S.2611 by a margin of 38-6, Ting, the Chinese-American, would at least defend our country’s laws and borders.

At the same time, unfortunately, Ting supports ongoing mass legal immigration:

Jan knows that there is a right way to come to the United States. Jan believes our first duty is to support the millions of people around the world are standing in line and waiting their turn to come to America legally.

A reader seemed to think this was saying that letting in legal immigrants is our highest priority as a nation. I don’t think Ting is saying that. I think he’s saying that, as regards immigration, our first priority is to support legal over illegal immigrants, specifically, to support people “already standing in line,” that is, people who have already applied and are waiting for a green card. When a large majority of the U.S. Senate voted for the most insane and destructive bill in U.S. history, is there not a case for supporting a Senate candidate who at least stands against that madness?

A larger issue, not addressed at Ting’s site, is, where does he stand on the “guest worker” provision of S.2611 that is really a massive expansion of legal immigration?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 19, 2006 05:08 AM | Send

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