New Congressman says illegal immigration was sole reason he was elected over 18 opponents

Newly elected member of the House of Representatives, Brian P. Bilbray of California, took his oath of office yesterday and declared:

“There was one issue and only one issue that allowed me to be elected. It was not my experience, it was not my hard work, and God knows it wasn’t my intellect. [LA notes in passing: only in “settler” Western countries such as the U.S. and Australia do politicians publicly boast of their lack of intellect.] It was the fact the people in the 50th District wanted something done, they wanted a job and a message sent to Washington that now and here is the time to address illegal immigration.”

Here’s what happened next, according the Washington Times:

Republicans in the chamber applauded, while Democrats, who had held high hopes for winning the seat, hissed….

Mr. Bilbray noted that 18 politicians made bids for the seat, giving voters a broad choice for whom they wanted to represent them after [former Rep. Randy] Cunningham’s political demise.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 18, 2006 01:44 PM | Send

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