
Before I criticized the jacket photo of Ann Coulter’s Godless, I had noted that it looked like a serious book, based on an online description of its contents. I browsed through parts of it this evening, in the first chapter and in the chapter on evolution, and it looks terrific. Coulter has written the punchiest critique of the Darwinian orthodoxy I’ve seen. She goes right for the jugular and never deviates. There is, she makes ruthlessly clear, absolutely no basis for believing in the Darwinian (more correctly the neo-Darwinian) theory of evolution. None. It’s just a bunch of stories that the Darwinians pretentiously claim to be the all-encompassing, unquestionable truth. Her approach is like mine: she stays with the central, undeniable fact that we do not know how new life forms came into being. And she lays out her argument in a way that is both substantive and funny. While I stand by everything I’ve said about how the cover photo of Godless subverts its pro-religion theme, this is a book I look forward to reading.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 17, 2006 10:00 PM | Send

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