Where have all the conservative Hispanics gone?

In this VFR post from December 2003, we see William Kristol admit that one of the conservative open-borderites’ main arguments for mass immigration is false.

David B. writes:

It was me who sent you the quote from William Kristol in late 2003. Kristol declared that Howard Dean had a chance because the huge influx of Hispanics had made the American Southwest “more liberal,” and thus in play for the Democrats.

Years earlier; Kristol, Bennett, Barone, etc, had said that Hispanics were naturally conservative and would vote Republican if only the “nativists” would be quiet. Have you heard that one lately? They don’t even pretend that Hispanics are conservative anymore. Now the neocons say that the GOP must move to the left to attract those votes. Not a big change. After all, Kristol says, “I am a liberal on immigration.”

LA replies:

Man, you have a memory.

Your summary is devastating.

The dishonor of Kristol and the others is incalculable.

David continues:

I have noticed that you don’t see the GOP Beltway types and neocons claiming that Hispanics are “natural Republicans” as they did pre-2000.

There were assertions that Bush got 45% of the Hispanic vote in 2004. Where was it? Bush lost areas of South Texas and California were these votes are. Also, if Bush had made a large increase in his minority vote (the rah rah Bush crowd even claimed that Bush got more black votes in 2004), why did he only go from just under 50% in 2000 to barely 51% in 2004? Steve Sailer wrote some columns refuting this fantasy.

I repeat that Kristol and company now take the position that the country is moving to the left because of unlimited immigration, and the GOP should move left with it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2006 12:55 AM | Send

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