We are the World … We are the Human Capital

J. has looked into the Orwellian-named Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (echoes of the East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere?). He writes:

Pertinent to the issues of immigration and nation-busting, the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, in Prosperity Agenda section, under the heading “Investing In Our People,” defines people as “human capital”; under the heading “Efficient Movement Of People” it defines people as “business persons.”

Also, under the SPP Prosperity Working Groups section, the governments of the three countries apparently consult only some undefined entities called “stakeholders” before making decisions.

If citizens are considered capital, or mobile business units, and the only entities consulted are anonymous stakeholders (corporations with financial interest in the merger process, I would guess) it naturally follows that the efficient business mind sees no need for traditional concepts like borders, cultures, distinct peoples, etc.

This project is naturally part of the Department of Commerce (headed of course by Hispanic U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez), and the provided link goes to an announcement today that yet another tentacle is being launched: the North American Competitiveness Council, described as follows:

The NACC was established as part of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). On March 23, 2005, Presidents Bush and Fox, along with Prime Minister Martin launched the SPP. This White House-driven initiative is meant to reduce trade barriers and facilitate economic growth, while improving the security and competitiveness of the continent.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2006 01:01 AM | Send

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